Di dalam stasiun TV pertama di dunia untuk dan oleh orang-orang dengan disabilitas belajar

TV BRA reporter Emily Ann Riedel has had to learn to control her enthusiastic personality. The new studio is decorated in shocking pink, the favorite color of reporters Emily Ann Riedel and Petter Bjørkmo. The station’s reporters, who are disabled or autistic, put together a weekly magazine program covering news, entertainment, and sports. The show is presented in simple Norwegian and is slower than mainstream news, making it easier to follow for the audience. Despite their learning disabilities, the reporters work hard to produce high-quality content. The station’s managing editor, Camilla Kvalheim, provides guidance and support to the team, ensuring they maintain a professional standard. TV BRA aims to empower people with learning disabilities by providing them with a platform to discuss important issues and advocate for their rights. The station’s unique approach to news reporting has garnered attention from viewers and politicians alike, highlighting the importance of inclusive media representation.

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