‘Coba atau mati’ – tekad seorang pria untuk mencapai Kepulauan Canary

Senegalese farmer Mouhamed Oualy, who has never been to sea, is preparing to embark on a dangerous sea journey that has claimed many lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the risks, he is determined to reach the Canary Islands, where the number of migrants has reached record levels.

With his family depending on him back in Senegal, Mr Oualy has been working as a motorbike taxi driver to gather the money needed to board a vessel bound for the Canary Islands. The journey across the open ocean is treacherous, with migrants facing severe conditions and dangers such as dehydration, motion sickness, and storms.

The Canary Islands have become a key entry point for migrants hoping to reach Europe, as other routes via the Mediterranean have become more difficult to navigate. The increase in arrivals has put a strain on the islands’ resources and emergency services, with fears that the situation will worsen as more migrants attempt the dangerous crossing.

Despite the risks and challenges, Mr Oualy remains determined to reach the Canary Islands and provide a better life for his family. The BBC’s investigation into the Atlantic crossing sheds light on the harsh realities faced by migrants seeking a better future.

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