Apakah Afrika sedang mengalami revolusi yang dipimpin oleh protes? | Berita Protes

Shortly after violent protests against tax increases shook Kenya in June, sparking a swift government response, Ugandans and Nigerians followed suit with their own demonstrations against corruption and high living costs. Inspired by scenes of Kenyan protesters storming Parliament in Nairobi, Ugandans gathered to denounce corruption, while Nigerians took to the streets in the #EndBadGovernance protests. Despite warnings and crackdowns by authorities, protesters continued to demand accountability from their governments. The global attention on these protests has led some to speculate about a potential African uprising, drawing comparisons to the Arab Spring. However, experts are divided on whether these movements are interconnected and if they represent a larger trend across the continent. While some see similarities in the economic grievances and use of social media to mobilize protesters, others caution against oversimplifying the diverse political landscapes in Africa. Despite the potential for broader unrest, each country’s unique history and context play a significant role in shaping the nature of protests and government responses.

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