Rencana Trump dan Harris mengenai biaya obat-obatan, aborsi, dan Obamacare berbeda

Trump, on the other hand, has long opposed the ACA, calling for its repeal and replacement with a plan that offers more flexibility to states and consumers. His administration has also taken steps to undermine the law, such as cutting funding for advertising and outreach during open enrollment periods and expanding short-term health plans that don’t adhere to ACA requirements.

If reelected, Trump could continue his efforts to dismantle the ACA, potentially leaving millions of Americans without health insurance coverage, according to health policy experts.

Reproductive rights

One of the most contentious issues in health care is abortion rights. Harris and Trump have starkly different views on the topic.

Harris is a vocal supporter of abortion rights, consistently voting against measures to restrict access to the procedure while serving in the Senate. She has pledged to protect and expand reproductive rights if elected president.

Trump, on the other hand, has taken steps to limit access to abortion during his presidency, such as implementing the Title X “gag rule” that prohibits federal funding for health care providers that offer abortion services or referrals. He has also appointed conservative judges to federal courts who may be inclined to restrict abortion rights.

Experts believe that a Harris administration would work to expand access to reproductive health care services, including abortion, while a second Trump term could result in further restrictions on those services.

Overall, the upcoming presidential election has the potential to have a significant impact on the U.S. health care system. The contrasting approaches of Harris and Trump to key issues such as prescription drug costs, health care coverage, and reproductive rights could shape the future of health care in America for years to come.

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