Produsen chip terdepan Amerika menghadapi masa depan yang tidak pasti dan tuntutan hukum

for execution is fair. It is always easy to critique in hindsight. My focus was to build a strong foundation for the future of Intel’s discrete GPU business, something I am very proud of.\” Despite its struggles, Intel remains a dominant force in the chip industry. Its chips power the vast majority of personal computers and data centers around the world. But the company is facing an existential threat as the industry shifts towards AI-focused GPUs and Arm-based chips. Intel’s future success will depend on its ability to execute on its ambitious plans to regain its technological leadership and compete in the rapidly evolving semiconductor market.

MEMBACA  Airbus meluncurkan pertama A400M yang dituju ke KazakhstanTranslated to Indonesian: "Airbus meluncurkan pesawat pertama A400M yang akan dikirim ke Kazakhstan"