Pensiun baru bukanlah pensiun: Generasi baby boomers tetap bekerja hingga usia 60an dan 70an karena mereka ‘menyukai bekerja’

At 73, George Cavedon has no plans to slow down. Instead of lounging on a golf course in Florida, he’s choosing to mentor coworkers and engage with clients at a small marketing firm in New Hampshire. Cavedon tried retirement in his 50s but found it dull and lacking in the camaraderie he craved. Now, after 18 years at his second career, he has no intention of stopping anytime soon.

Cavedon is part of a growing trend among baby boomers who are opting to work well past 65 not out of financial necessity, but because they find fulfillment and purpose in their jobs. According to Pew Research Center, the number of Americans over 65 who are employed has quadrupled since the 1980s, with nearly 20% of them still in the workforce today. This shift is reshaping workplaces and societal expectations, as more older workers are choosing to remain active and engaged in their careers.

Mark Walton, author of “Unretirement,” highlights the experiences of Americans aged 60 to 80 who are still working high-stress jobs, emphasizing their desire for purpose and mental stimulation. These workers, many of whom have college degrees and less physically taxing jobs, are contributing to a significant change in America’s economy and professional landscape.

While financial concerns and retirement preparedness remain an issue for younger generations, the trend of older workers staying in the workforce is seen as a positive change by Walton. As humans are living longer and enjoying longer careers, the need for experienced professionals is growing, leading to more opportunities for phased retirement and flexible work arrangements for older employees.

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For individuals like Renee Stanton, 61, retirement is not a priority. Stanton, who works in IT-adjacent roles, values the flexibility to pursue her passions and spend time with family. She plans to transition to a contractor role to maintain income while enjoying the freedom to work on her own terms. With decades of experience to offer, Stanton sees her future as one of balance, where she can work, ski, sail, and spend time with loved ones in a way that enriches her life.