Pelabuhan terbesar di Pantai Timur mulai mempersiapkan pemogokan

their contingency planning to mitigate the potential impact of a strike on their operations. Companies are looking at alternative routes and transportation modes to ensure that their goods can still reach their destinations in a timely manner. Additionally, some companies are considering increasing their inventory levels to buffer against any delays in shipments.

Overall, the looming strike by the International Longshoreman’s Association has the potential to disrupt supply chains and impact billions of dollars in trade. The Port of New York/New Jersey and other ports along the East and Gulf Coasts are taking proactive measures to prepare for a potential work stoppage, but the exact impact remains uncertain until a resolution is reached between the union and port management.

MEMBACA  S&P dan Yergin memperingatkan waktu berbahaya bagi ekonomi global akibat ketegangan di Timur Tengah