Minat pemilihan turun drastis dalam perlombaan ketat antara Biden dan Trump

Wisconsin resident Derrick Simonson cast his vote in the Presidential Primary election at the Central Assembly of God church polling place in Douglas County, Superior, Wisconsin on April 2, 2024. According to a recent national NBC News poll, the level of voter interest in the upcoming 2024 election has hit a nearly 20-year low. The poll also revealed that the majority of voters have negative views of both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Biden has narrowed Trump’s lead to just 2 points in a head-to-head contest, with the president outperforming Trump on certain issues such as abortion and uniting the country.

Inflation and immigration are identified as the top issues facing the country, with only one-third of voters giving Biden credit for an improving economy. The survey also highlighted the potential impact of low voter interest and the independent candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the stability of the presidential contest with over six months until Election Day.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm among voters, the poll shows that Biden has made some gains in rebuilding his coalition from the 2020 election. However, he continues to face challenges with key demographics such as Latinos, young voters, and independents. Trump currently holds a slight lead over Biden in a head-to-head matchup, but when the ballot is expanded to include other candidates, Biden edges out Trump by 2 points.

The survey also delved into how voters perceive the candidates on various issues and attributes. Biden is favored over Trump on abortion and unity, while Trump leads on competency and handling inflation. Inflation and the cost of living emerged as the top concerns for voters, followed by immigration and threats to democracy.

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Overall, the poll reflects a sense of disillusionment among voters, with many expressing dissatisfaction with the current candidates and the state of the country. The upcoming election remains unpredictable, with voter turnout expected to be lower than in previous years.