Marine Le Pen dan Jordan Bardella — “tiket” impian sayap kanan jauh Prancis?

it comes to Le Pen and Bardella’s partnership, it is clear that they have worked to present a united front to voters. However, as the political landscape in France shifts with Macron’s snap elections, the strength of their bond may be tested. Despite their polished image, they still hold radical policies that could disrupt French society.

Le Pen’s journey to leadership of the far-right movement in France has been marked by a desire to distance the party from its controversial past. She has worked to modernize and rebrand the party, with Bardella being a key figure in this effort. Bardella, in turn, has risen through the ranks of the party, impressing Le Pen with his dedication and articulate nature.

As the possibility of Bardella becoming prime minister looms, questions about their relationship and future plans arise. While some speculate that Bardella may eventually seek the presidency for himself, both he and Le Pen maintain that their partnership is strong and focused on governing France effectively.

Overall, the dynamic between Le Pen and Bardella reflects the evolution of the far-right movement in France and the strategies they are employing to appeal to voters. Only time will tell how their partnership will fare in the face of political challenges and ambitions.

MEMBACA  Italia siap merebut kembali posisinya sebagai produsen anggur terbesar di dunia—mengalahkan Perancis.