Langkah-langkah keamanan era 9/11 dan perubahan iklim menempatkan ribuan orang dalam risiko dari bendungan

zones. Some suggested that FEMA should work with other federal agencies to develop a standardized process for sharing dam information while still addressing national security concerns.

The conflicting federal policies regarding dam flood zones not only impact flood insurance premiums but also pose a significant risk to public safety. Without access to crucial information about potential dam failures, residents in flood-prone areas may be unaware of the dangers they face, putting their lives and property at risk.

As federal agencies work to revise their policies and improve information sharing, it is essential for communities to have access to accurate and timely information about dam risks. By addressing these issues and working together to prioritize public safety, federal agencies can help ensure that residents in flood-prone areas are adequately informed and prepared for potential disasters.

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