Kanan Jauh Jerman dan Luka-luka Reunifikasi

The sense of being left behind, of not being fully integrated into a united Germany, has fueled the rise of populist parties in the east. These parties tap into the resentment and frustration of many easterners who feel that their voices are not being heard and their concerns are not being addressed by the mainstream political establishment.

The success of the AfD and other populist parties in the recent elections in Thuringia and Saxony is a stark reminder that the wounds of the past have not healed, and that the divisions between east and west Germany are still very much alive. The challenge now for German politicians and society as a whole is to find ways to bridge these divides, to address the grievances of the easterners, and to build a more inclusive and united Germany. Failure to do so risks further polarization and the continued rise of extremist and anti-democratic forces in the country.

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