BlackRock mengirimkan memo rahasia kepada timnya yang ditulis oleh ChatGPT—dan satu kritik utama muncul

are complicated, they’re multi-asset class, they’re global, they’re multi-currency, they’re multi-regulatory. And the strategy of BlackRock has been to solve for that whole portfolio. So, if you look at the history of the firm, it’s really been about building out the capabilities, whether it’s through the technology platform Aladdin, whether it’s through the investment products, like the iShares ETFs, to be able to solve for that whole portfolio. And what’s interesting is that as the world has gotten more complex, as the data has gotten bigger, as the computing power has gotten more powerful, the need for someone to be able to solve for that whole portfolio has just accelerated. So, I think the uniqueness of BlackRock is really this focus on solving for the client’s whole portfolio, and building out the capabilities to be able to support that. And that’s really been the driving force behind our success over the past 30 years. Lee Clifford: That’s fascinating. And it’s interesting to hear how you’re using AI to continue to evolve that strategy and meet those client needs. Thank you so much, Rob, for your time. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. Robert Goldstein: Thank you, Lee. It’s been a pleasure. Thank you, everyone.

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