Berikut adalah 3 Saham yang Telah Saya Jual Sebelum Kemungkinan Adanya Pergerakan Besar bagi Wall Street

these factors weren’t enough to keep ExxonMobil in my portfolio. The energy sector is notoriously cyclical, and with the potential for a significant stock market correction looming, I felt it was prudent to reduce my exposure to this industry.

Additionally, concerns over the long-term viability of fossil fuels in a rapidly changing world have weighed on my decision. As the world shifts towards renewable energy sources, the future of oil and gas companies like ExxonMobil becomes increasingly uncertain.

In conclusion, while it’s never easy to part ways with long-time holdings, I believe that being proactive in reevaluating and adjusting my portfolio based on market conditions is crucial for long-term success. By selling Intuitive Surgical, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and ExxonMobil, I aim to position myself for potential market downturns and capitalize on buying opportunities that may arise in the future.

MEMBACA  Perdana Menteri Selandia Baru bersumpah untuk menamai dan mempermalukan Tiongkok atas penyadapan.