Apakah Saatnya Diversifikasi? Kami adalah ‘boomer’ yang sehat di usia 60-an dengan kekayaan bersih $4,2 juta.

we obligated to buy a gift?‘I’m concerned about her emotional well-being’: My fiancé wants her mother to live with us. How can I avoid this?Do you have questions about inheritance, tipping, weddings, family feuds, friends or any tricky issues relating to manners and money? Send them to MarketWatch’s Moneyist and please include the state where you live (no full names will be used). Would you like to sign up to an email alert when a new Moneyist column has been published? If so, click on this link.\”

This article discusses the financial situation of a retired couple with a total net worth of $4.2 million. The couple is concerned about being overweight in stocks in their investment portfolio, especially in the event of a stock-market bust. The column provides advice on diversifying their portfolio, creating a more balanced allocation to bonds and fixed-income investments, and developing a distribution strategy to minimize taxes and manage market volatility during retirement.

The column also addresses the potential for a stock-market bubble and how it might end, with some analysts predicting a slow deflation rather than a crash. The advice given to the couple is to focus on their current financial stability, enjoy their retirement years, and not worry excessively about potential market fluctuations.

Overall, the article highlights the importance of having a well-diversified investment portfolio, a thoughtful distribution strategy in retirement, and a balanced approach to managing financial risks during market uncertainties.

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