Mardiono di Ponpes Brebes, Didoakan Kiai dan Santri PPP untuk Sukses dalam Pemilu 2024.

Minggu, 21 Januari 2024 – 12:17 WIB

Brebes – In continuing his political safari to various regions, this time the Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP), Muhamad Mardiono, received prayers from religious leaders and thousands of Islamic students for the 2024 elections, at Al Hasaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Brebes Regency, Central Java.

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“I am here tonight primarily to ask for prayers from religious leaders and Islamic students, so that the upcoming elections will be successful for Indonesia and the PPP,” said the leader of the party with the Kaaba symbol, on location, quoted on Sunday, January 21, 2024.

Acting Chairman of PPP, Muhamad Mardiono

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Mardiono mentioned that his meeting with religious leaders and Islamic students this time was done to motivate PPP cadres. The aim is for the cadres to get closer to the religious scholars.

“This gathering is also done to motivate the cadres and at the same time bring the cadres in Brebes, Central Java closer to the religious leaders and Islamic students. We unite everyone in the struggle to succeed the PPP and the upcoming elections,” he explained.

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Meanwhile, the caretaker of Al Hasaniyah Islamic Boarding School, KH Nuridin Syamsudin, hopes that the prayers offered in the month of Rajab will yield the best results.

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“This joint prayer is for the 2024 elections to run smoothly and produce the best results. May Allah bless it, run smoothly, without any obstacles,” said KH Nuridin.

Illustration/PPP Supporters


ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Iqbal

He also responded to the many religious leaders who are fighting alongside the PPP through their candidacy in the legislative elections.

“Because it is the religious leaders who must rise up, this is the time for the religious leaders to rise up for the country. God willing, they are being prayed for,” he concluded.

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Source: ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Iqbal