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Koalisi Perubahan has agreed to support the DPR’s right to investigate irregularities in the 2024 Election process. This step is considered better than going to the Constitutional Court (MK). Photo/MK Building/SINDOnews

JAKARTA – The Coalition for Change has agreed to support the DPR’s right to investigate irregularities in the 2024 Election process. This step is considered better than filing a dispute to the Constitutional Court (MK).

“This is interesting, this inquiry is good. Instead of going to the MK where there is a conflict of interest, it’s better for us to use the inquiry, it’s beautiful. Isn’t it,” said a representative of the Coalition for Change who is also the Secretary General of the PKS, Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi during a press conference at the Nasdem Tower, Central Jakarta, Thursday (22/2/2024).

Based on this, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission III support the proposal to conduct an inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 Election. He is ready to oversee the inquiry process in the DPR.

“We fully support it, we are very happy that someone is taking this step, we are behind it, we are ready. We will oversee and check all the details,” explained Aboe.

Previously, the Coalition for Change supported the idea proposed by presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, to use the DPR’s right to conduct an inquiry to investigate irregularities in the 2024 Election process.

This stance was taken after the general secretaries of the Coalition for Change held a meeting at the Nasdem Tower, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/2/2024).

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The three party leaders who attended the meeting were the General Secretary of the Nasdem Party, Hermawi Taslim, the General Secretary of the PKB, Hasanuddin Wahid, and the General Secretary of the PKS, Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi.

After the meeting, Hermawi said that they share the same spirit as Anies Baswedan, who supports Ganjar’s stance for the DPR to use the inquiry.

“We also discussed the possibility of using the inquiry initiated by Ganjar Pranowo. Our spirit as a united entity, three solid coalition parties, our spirit is like the spirit conveyed by Pak Anies. We are ready to work together with the initiator PDIP to roll out the inquiry,” explained Hermawi during a press conference at the Nasdem Tower, Central Jakarta, Thursday (22/2/2024).
