Indonesian: BUMI Meraih Posisi Teratas dalam Porsi Pemanfaatan Energi Listrik Terbarukan

Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 – 17:14 WIB

Jakarta – PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), the largest coal mining company in Indonesia, has recorded the highest utilization of Renewable Energy (EBT) which reached 69 percent of its total electricity consumption. This was stated by ESG Analyst Bloomberg Intelligence (BI) Michelle Young.

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She explained that out of various coal producers they reviewed last year, only 30 percent adopted renewable energy. Among them, 2 Indonesian coal producers reported the highest use of EBT, namely PT Bumi Resources Tbk. (BUMI) and PT Bukit Asam Tbk. (PTBA), contributing 69 percent and 64 percent of their total electricity consumption, respectively.

Regarding BUMI’s efforts to support energy transition and net zero emissions, BUMI Director Dileep Srivastava stated that they are implementing renewable energy utilization commitments through various schemes. These include fleet electrification in business units, promoting the use of biodiesel as a more environmentally friendly fuel, as well as utilizing wind, solar, and biomass energy in former mining areas in remote regions. BUMI hopes to achieve net zero by 2050-2060 and promote the implementation of decarbonization strategies by 2030.

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For all our new projects, Dileep said decarbonization will be part of BUMI’s strategy blueprint. “Even when we discuss feasibility, we also discuss decarbonization at the same time,” said Dileep Srivastava quoted on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Lokasi PT Arutmin Indonesia site Asamasam, a subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk

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Efforts to support energy transition are known to remain the concern of various parties and require cross-sectoral collaboration in its implementation. Considering that the use of fossil energy cannot be completely abandoned, the utilization of renewable energy (EBT) is a concrete step taken by several coal producers in Indonesia, implemented in the utilization of EBT in the extraction and production processes.

Meanwhile, Special Staff to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for the Acceleration of Mineral Governance Field at the Ministry of ESDM, Irwandy Arif, stated that the energy transition process towards net zero emissions, where fossil energy dominance will be replaced by EBT, still takes time.

“Although there have been efforts to promote renewable energy, the use of fossil energy, including coal, will not disappear in the near future,” he said.

Lokasi PT Arutmin Indonesia site Asamasam, a subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk

Irwandy stated that out of the 23-25 percent target for the EBT mix in 2025, currently only about 13 percent has been achieved. Regarding the use of coal, he also called for the implementation of green coal technology.

The coal industry itself has long been dependent on fossil energy in the extraction and production stages globally. Because the use of this energy cannot be completely abandoned yet, but Indonesian coal producers continue to reduce their dependence on fossil energy in their business activities and prepare to switch to renewable energy.

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“Although there have been efforts to promote renewable energy, the use of fossil energy, including coal, will not disappear in the near future,” he said.