Gubernur Khofifah Mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Guru-guru di Jatim atas Prestasi-prestasi yang Luar Biasa

Minggu, 07 Januari 2024 – 12:07 WIB

Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa (center) saat receiving the general champion certificate of LKS some time ago. Photo: Public Relations of East Java Province., SURABAYA – East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa expressed her gratitude to the teachers for their achievements in the field of education over the past five years.

“We would like to thank the teachers throughout East Java. Hopefully, all of these efforts will be given ease, success, blessings, and eternal rewards to all of you,” said Khofifah, as quoted on Saturday (7/1).

Khofifah said that the East Java Provincial Government never stops paying attention to teachers with the hope that the education world will become more qualified and produce great and reliable human resources.

She also hopes that the East Java Education Office can maintain and improve the achievements obtained throughout 2023.

“It is our common hope that the achieved achievements and prestigious can be maintained and developed,” she said.

According to her, the achievements that should be maintained and improved are East Java becoming the region with the highest admission to state universities (PTN) in Indonesia for four consecutive years.

Various ideas and programs, she said, should be a platform to prepare students in East Java to achieve their best performance in the coming years.

High school students in East Java must be prepared to become future generation leaders who contribute to the progress of the nation. In this way, the East Java Education Office can prepare the generation towards Indonesia Emas 2045 (Golden Indonesia).

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Governor Khofifah expressed her gratitude to the teachers in East Java for their achievements in the field of education over the past five years.

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