Bazar Murah Partai Perindo Menarik Ratusan Warga di Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur.


Partai Perindo mengadakan bazar murah minyak goreng di Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur, pada Kamis (28/12/2023). Foto: MPI/Muhammad Refi Sandi

JAKARTA – Partai Perindo, represented by the Rajawali symbol with the number 16 according to the KPU regulation, held a cheap cooking oil bazaar in Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, on Thursday (28/12/2023).

The cheap bazaar was attended by Wahyu Nur Iman, a legislative candidate for the Jakarta Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) in the Jakarta 6 electoral district (Cipayung, Pasar Rebo, Ciracas, Makasar), and Ustaz Yusuf Mansur, a legislative candidate for the East Jakarta electoral district in the Jakarta 1 DPR.

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At the location, hundreds of enthusiastic residents were seen queuing to purchase a liter of cooking oil at a cheap price of IDR 5,000. The cheap bazaar organized by Partai Perindo attracted a significant number of people.

The majority of the attendees were housewives who eagerly bought the cheap cooking oil. Wahyu Nur Iman took the opportunity to greet and listen to the aspirations of the residents.

A total of 500 liters of packaged cooking oil were provided at the Partai Perindo cheap bazaar. Residents could also register for the Party’s Membership Card (KTA) insurance, which supports the presidential and vice-presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.


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