30 Orang Jadi Pekerja Migran Ilegal Akibat Janji Palsu Dari LPK Nakal di Malang

Selasa, 09 Januari 2024 – 21:27 WIB

Wakapolres Malang Kompol Imam Mustolih (center) saat memimpin konferensi pers terkait kasus dugaan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (TPPO) di Mapolres Malang, Kepanjen, Jawa Timur, Selasa (9/1/2023). ANTARA/Vicki Febrianto.

jatim.jpnn.com, MALANG – Dozens of people have become illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) due to the actions of fraudulent vocational training institutions (LPK) in Malang.

This was revealed after the police uncovered a case of alleged human trafficking (TPPO) in Malang, with the modus operandi of sending workers abroad without the required documents.

Wakapolres Malang Kompol Imam Mustolih stated that his team arrested two suspects on December 12, 2023.

They are N (51) as the owner of the Vocational Training Institution (LPK) Anugerah Jujur Jaya (AJJ) and IHS (27) who is a staff member of LPK AJJ.

Through LPK AJJ, the suspects enticed migrant workers by promising them official employment as domestic workers in their destination countries.

However, the Indonesian migrant workers were sent to work abroad without the complete required documents.

After finding potential migrant workers, the suspects accommodated them at LPK AJJ and provided English language training while waiting for their departure after finding potential employers in the destination countries.

“After finding employers through an agent in Singapore, the potential migrant workers were then bought plane tickets and departed from Juanda Airport. There were 14 potential migrant workers who were supposed to be sent,” he said.

Wakapolres Malang Kompol Imam Mustolih said that most of the victims of these fraudulent vocational training institutions come from rural areas who wish to work abroad.

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