Sejarawan India Melawan Kanan Jauh, Satu Video Makeup pada Satu Waktu | Pemilihan India 2024

\”In the late hours of the night in New Delhi, India, Ruchika Sharma prepares to record her latest YouTube video from her makeshift studio at home. The 33-year-old historian and former professor sets up her small mic and recording rig, surrounded by history books and images of iconic figures. With limited resources, Sharma blends her passion for history with makeup, debunking myths and sharing unconventional history lessons. Despite facing threats and abuse for her videos, Sharma remains determined to set the record straight. Raised in a family shaped by India’s history, Sharma’s interest in makeup served as therapy during a difficult past. Initially discouraged by her parents from pursuing history, Sharma eventually followed her passion, earning a PhD and building a career as a history teacher. Embracing her unique blend of eyeshadow and history, Sharma’s YouTube channel has garnered a growing audience, challenging traditional narratives and sparking important conversations.\”

MEMBACA  Eksklusif-Shanghai, Shenzhen akan menghapus pembatasan pembelian rumah kunci untuk meningkatkan pasar, kata sumber