Strategi yang tenang dan ditakuti di balik kenaikan Modi

In June, Narendra Modi will learn if he has secured a historic third term as India’s prime minister. Throughout his decade-long reign, he has been a dominant figure, often accompanied by a lesser-known but influential political ally. Amit Shah, often referred to as India’s “second most powerful man,” has played a crucial role in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) meteoric rise.

Amit Shah, a hardline Hindu nationalist known as Amitbhai, has been instrumental in orchestrating numerous electoral victories for the BJP. While he may not possess the star power of Prime Minister Modi, he is hailed as an exceptional organizer and campaign strategist. However, his political acumen has also made him a controversial and divisive figure.

Critics argue that Amit Shah has been a driving force behind some of India’s most contentious legislation, including the revocation of Kashmir’s autonomy and the implementation of a controversial citizenship law. Despite the polarizing nature of his actions, his supporters view him as a staunch defender of Hinduism.

Having known Amit Shah since his early days in school and politics, friends and colleagues have provided rare insights into his character. Described as fiercely loyal, hardworking, and deeply affectionate towards party workers, Amit Shah’s rise to power has been attributed to his unwavering dedication and strategic brilliance.

Amit Shah’s political journey began in Gujarat, where he honed his skills and established a close partnership with Narendra Modi. Recognized for his ability to identify and nurture talent, he gradually ascended the ranks within the BJP, ultimately becoming Modi’s trusted lieutenant.

Despite facing allegations of involvement in religious riots that rocked Gujarat in 2002, Amit Shah’s political career continued to thrive. His strategic prowess and long-term vision have been evident in his approach to politics, as he focused on building the party’s organizational strength before contesting elections himself.

MEMBACA  Membatasi, Opsi Pajak Kendaraan Diprediksi Membuat Pemerintah Daerah Menerapkan Kebijakan Pajak yang Lebih Ringan

As India awaits the outcome of the upcoming elections, the influence of Amit Shah on the country’s political landscape cannot be understated. Whether celebrated for his electoral victories or criticized for his controversial policies, Amit Shah remains a formidable force in Indian politics, shaping the future trajectory of the nation.