5 Jenderal Polisi Bintang 1 Bertugas di STIK Lemdiklat Polri, Ada Polwan yang Menawan.

Rabu, 10 Januari 2024 – 09:55 WIB

Jakarta – Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian (STIK) – PTIK is a government education institution and academic institution under the control of the Indonesian National Police Training and Education Institute (Lemdiklat Polri).

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STIK-PTIK is led by a high-ranking Indonesian National Police officer with the rank of Inspector General. Currently, it is led by Inspector General (Irjen) Pol Nico Afinta.

In carrying out his duties, Irjen Nico Afinta is assisted by a number of 1-star generals or Brigadier Generals (Brigjen) who have outstanding achievements within the Indonesian National Police. So, who are they?

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1. Brigjen Pol Irfing Jaya

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According to the Indonesian National Police Public Relations website on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, Brigjen Irfing Jaya was promoted from Police Commissioner to 1-star General in July 2023.

After the promotion, he, who previously held the position of Head of Judicial Affairs Subdivision of PPITK STIK Lemdiklat Polri, was appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Academic Division of STIK Lemdiklat Polri.

2. Brigjen Pol Budi Widjanarko

Brigjen Budi was promoted from Commissioner to 1-star General in early December 2023. At that time, this former Deputy Chief of Police of Bengkulu was serving in the Inspectorate General for Public Supervision (Itwasum) II Itwil II.

After the promotion, Brigjen Budi was appointed to replace Brigjen Imran Yunus, who had retired, as the Deputy Chairman of the Student Administration Division (Waketbidminwa) of STIK Lemdiklat Polri.

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3. Brigjen Pol Budhi Haryanto

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Brigjen Pol Budhi Haryanto was promoted from Commissioner to 1-star General in April 2023. At that time, he was serving as the Chief of Makassar Metropolitan Police. After his position was replaced by his peer, Kombes Pol Mokhamad Ngajib, Brigjen Budhi was promoted to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Student Affairs Division of STIK Lemdiklat Polri.

4. Brigjen Pol Indarto

Kepala Kepolisian Resor Metropolitan Bekasi, Komisaris Besar Polisi Indarto, dalam konferensi pers .

Brigjen Pol Indarto was promoted from Commissioner to 1-star General in July 2023. At that time, he was serving as the Head of Information Technology Development of the Main Police Inspectorate of the Information and Communication Technology Division (Divisi TIK Polri).

In December 2023, Brigjen Indarto was appointed as the Director of Programs (Dirprog) of the Graduate School of STIK Lemdiklat Polri.

Brigjen Pol Nurul Azizah, a beautiful policewoman, was promoted from Commissioner to 1-star General in December 2023. The promotion coincided with her new position as the Director of Programs (Dirprog) of the Undergraduate Program of STIK Lemdiklat Polri.

When she held the rank of Commissioner, Brigjen Nurul Azizah served as the Head of Public Relations Division (Kabag Penum) of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police since mid-2022. She is the first policewoman to be entrusted with the role of spokesperson for the Indonesian National Police Headquarters.

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2. Brigjen Pol Budi Widjanarko