Di Ukraina yang Diduduki, Memberikan Suara (untuk Putin) Sambil Tentara Bersenjata Menonton

In a recent development near the front lines in Ukraine’s Luhansk region, a new sign has been put up on the main billboard of an occupied town. The sign, featuring the colors of the Russian flag, reads “Vote for our president. Together we’re strong,” according to a resident named Anastasiia.

For many residents, including Anastasiia, the message is clear: the president being referred to is Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, not Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. This is part of the Russian presidential vote taking place in the occupied parts of Ukraine over the past three weeks.

Political analysts and Ukrainian officials have noted that these elections in the occupied territories are aimed at portraying the occupation as a done deal and at identifying dissenters. The goal is to establish the idea that these regions operate under the same laws and procedures as the rest of Russia, according to Ilya Grashchenkov, a Russian political scientist.

The electoral process in the occupied regions is closely monitored by armed soldiers, who have been accompanying poll workers door-to-door. This has raised concerns about widespread intimidation and coercion surrounding the elections, which have been deemed illegal by Ukrainian officials, Western allies, and rights groups.

Despite the controversy surrounding these elections, it is expected that Vladimir V. Putin will secure a fifth term as president, given that he has no serious challengers on the ballot. The outcome of the elections in the occupied territories is likely to further solidify Russia’s claim over these regions.

However, conducting elections in the occupied regions presents several challenges, including the changing demographics due to the ongoing war and the exodus of pro-Ukrainian residents. Russian authorities have resorted to various tactics, such as extending the voting period and allowing soldiers stationed in the occupied territories to vote, to bolster voter turnout.

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Despite the efforts to replicate a normal electoral process, the situation in the occupied territories remains complex. The elections have been criticized for their lack of transparency and the use of intimidation tactics to coerce residents into participating. The true wishes of the residents are difficult to discern, as independent opinion polls have not been conducted since the invasion.

Overall, the elections in the occupied territories are seen as a way for Russia to maintain control and solidify its claim over these regions, despite widespread condemnation from Ukraine and the international community.