Pertamina Menyelenggarakan Bersih Pantai di Tuban untuk Peduli Kesehatan & Lingkungan

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Tuban held a Coastal Clean Up in commemoration of National Waste Care Day 2024. Photo: Pertamina, TUBAN – PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) together with PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Tuban organized a Coastal Clean Up in celebration of National Waste Care Day 2024.

The event took place along Panduri Beach, Tasikharjo Village with a total of 53 participants, consisting of TPPI workers, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Tuban workers, Jenu Subdistrict Government, Tasikharjo Village Government, Jenu Military Rayon Command, Jenu Police Sector, Tasikharjo Youth Organization, Tanjung Asri Ecotourism Group, and Tanjung Awar-Awar KUB.

All participants cleaned up the beach area and managed to collect up to 50 bags of trash.

TPPI Senior Manager Operation & Manufacture, Hendra Kurniawan Wijaya, stated that the beach cleaning event was a form of the company’s concern for the environment and is part of TPPI’s CSR program.

\”This program will certainly continue and requires synergy with the government, society, and other companies in the Jenu Subdistrict,\” said Hendra Kurniawan.

Coastal Clean Up serves as a campaign to raise awareness for caring for the coastal environment by not littering, as well as preserving mangrove trees along the beach.

Through this activity, it is hoped that the community will become more aware of the importance of environmental preservation.

\”Since TPPI started empowering local groups, we have become more active and participate in environmental care activities. One of them is today’s beach cleaning. Moreover, we have been assisted with the construction of a fisherman’s bathing place,\” said Hendra.

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PT Pertamina Patra Niaga FT Tuban held a Coastal Clean Up in commemoration of National Waste Care Day 2024.