Uganda melawan wabah Ebola baru – dan krisis keengganan vaksin | Berita Kesehatan

In Kampala, Uganda, a month after an Ebola outbreak hit in September 2022, Edward Kayiwa started feeling sick with symptoms like headaches, fever, and muscle pain. Despite knowing he was infected, the fear of the epidemic was overwhelming due to circulating rumors in his community. Eventually, he realized that the conspiracy theories were false and sought medical help, surviving the outbreak that claimed the lives of 55 people. Now, just two years later, on January 30, 2025, Uganda faced another Ebola outbreak, with the first documented case being a 32-year-old male nurse who had died. With no approved vaccine for the Sudan strain of Ebola, the risk of a serious public health impact is high, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Symptoms of Ebola can range from fever and headache to bleeding from various parts of the body, making isolation and strict medical protocols necessary for treatment. Traditional beliefs, witchcraft, and conspiracy theories have complicated efforts to control Ebola outbreaks in Uganda, with the latest outbreak facing challenges in communication and pushback from the tourism sector. Despite criticism, officials maintain that announcing the outbreak was crucial for global health safety.

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