Tips Menjaga Kulit di Tengah Iklim Tropis, Dr. Reza Gladys Mengingatkan untuk Menggunakan Pelembap dan Tabir Surya

Sabtu, 3 Februari 2024 – 22:01 WIB

VIVA Lifestyle – Dr. Reza Gladys and Dr. Attaubah Mufid, the founder of Dermagloss and Glafidsya, held a beauty event that sparked enthusiasm among many women. They enlivened Surabaya X Beauty 2024, which took place from 2-4 February 2024 at the Grand City Convention and Exhibition, Surabaya, East Java.

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As usual, the Dermagloss booth was crowded with young people hunting for skincare and body care products.

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“Dermagloss is present at the Surabaya X Beauty 2024 event. Wow, thank God the visitors are very interested in Glafidsya and Dermagloss products, they are even willing to come in droves with suitcases just to bring the products they bought,” said Dr. Reza Gladys to the media at the location, Friday, February 2, 2024.

In this regard, Dr. Reza emphasized the importance of taking care of the skin in the tropical climate. She advised not to forget to use moisturizer and sunscreen to prevent dry and dull skin.

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Illustration of women/skincare/beauty.

“In the tropical climate, it is very important to use moisturizer because that is what the people who live here mostly need. Healthy skin really needs to pay attention to its moisture. And the second important thing is to use sunscreen because if you don’t, your skin will easily become wrinkled and discolored,” said the beauty expert from Cianjur.

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Dr. Reza also explained the correct step-by-step process of cleansing the face and using skincare products. First, we must cleanse the face with facial wash, because if we don’t cleanse it with facial wash, there will surely be a lot of dirt and dust that accumulate.

The second step is important to use moisturizer to maintain the moisture of the facial skin. The third step is to use sunscreen to protect the facial skin from sunlight exposure. If you don’t use sunscreen, black spots will appear, acne will emerge, and the facial skin will become discolored.

Dr. Reza Gladys and her husband.

“In the tropical climate, skincare products containing vitamin C are needed to take care of the skin during hot weather, as well as sunscreen that can protect against UV exposure. Glafidsya’s Whitening Booster with Vitamin C serum and Dermagloss’ sunscreen containing Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, and Salmon DNA are suitable for helping to protect the facial skin in the tropical climate,” said Dr. Reza Gladys.

According to Dr. Reza, this event also aims to introduce Glafidsya and Dermagloss so that women become more concerned about the beauty and health of their skin. “Women need to upgrade themselves to become better than before,” she added.

Instagram Influencers and Dr. Reza Gladys.


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In addition to using skincare products, Dr. Reza Gladys suggests that women should also undergo regular treatments at Glafidsya Aesthetic Clinic. The Pico Glowing treatment can be chosen to make the face glow. Then the Venus Versa laser treatment can eliminate acne and scars by undergoing the Venus Versa laser treatment. Finally, the Hifu Treatment can make the face appear more V-shaped.

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“Dry skin is a sign of nutrient deficiency, such as a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Therefore, make sure to consume foods that contain these vitamins. Foods that can help with dry skin include beef liver, sweet potatoes, kiwi fruit, cucumbers, and avocados,” said Dr. Reza Gladys.

Dr. Reza Gladys advises women not to be lazy in cleansing their facial skin. Women must take care of the beauty of their facial skin both externally and internally.

“For young people and Indonesian women, it is essential to take care of the health and beauty of their facial skin because it is one of the important assets for us as women. Like taking care of the health and beauty of our skin from the outside and inside,” concluded Dr. Reza Gladys.

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Dr. Reza Gladys also explained the correct step-by-step process of cleansing the face and using skincare products. First, we must cleanse the face with facial wash, because if we don’t cleanse it with facial wash, there will surely be a lot of dirt and dust that accumulate.