Wah, Pengembang Game Warner Bros. Telah Melalui Neraka

Hanya dua bulan masuk tahun 2025, dan hal-hal belum bagus untuk output permainan video Warner Bros. Baik Suicide Squad dan MultiVersus sudah selesai, dan studio dalam perusahaan telah berada dalam posisi aneh beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Sebuah laporan terbaru dari Bloomberg menggali ke dalam masa-masa sulit, sebagian besar berasal dari presiden yang baru saja meninggalkan David Haddad. Pengembang memberitahu Bloomberg bahwa dibutuhkan berbulan-bulan untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari dia atau timnya, dan divisi game secara keseluruhan kekurangan arah nyata karena mereka hanya mengejar tren. Itulah mengapa Suicide Squad dan Gotham Knights muncul: game live-service populer, jadi Rocksteady dan WB Games Montreal dipaksa untuk membuat jenis game tersebut, meskipun tidak memiliki pengalaman nyata dalam membuatnya. Dalam kasus WB Montreal, Knights diawali dengan keinginan umum untuk membuat game Batman live-service. Setelah peluncuran Knights dan usulan untuk memperbaiki game ditolak, Montreal mengusulkan dua proyek terpisah berdasarkan Constantine dan Flash—yang pertama ditolak demi karakter yang “lebih dikenal”, oleh karena itu Flash.. tetapi kemudian film 2023 terjadi, dan sisanya adalah sejarah. Speaking of bigger name characters, you remember Wonder Woman was getting her own game from Shadow of War developer Monolith? That’s reportedly rebooted and changed directors as of early 2024, and is said to still be “years away” from release. The newer version was described as a more conventional action-adventure game rather than one built on the Nemesis system previously introduced in Monolith’s Shadow duology, owing to new leadership at the studio and “challenges” with the game’s technology. While development continues, Bloomberg notes the game’s status “remains in question”—it’s already cost $100 million to make thus far and has WB Montreal pitching in to help, so WB could just possibly cancel it entirely. And what of Rocksteady, now that it’s finished with Suicide Squad? Bloomberg reports the team’s returned to Batman with a new single-player game, but much like Wonder Woman, it’s going to be a while before it comes out. If WB has its way, those two titles, along with a Hogwarts Legacy sequel from Avalanche Software and a potential Game of Thrones project from WB Games Montreal, will release over the next several years. JB Perrette, the company’s streaming and games head, said WB’s willing to stick with the medium for the long-term. But is the audience willing to keep giving them chances? Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, what’s next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.

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