Router TP-Link Dapat Dilarang Tahun Depan. Apakah Mereka Sebenarnya Berbahaya?

If you bought a Wi-Fi router from TP-Link within the last year, chances are it will be scrutinized in the coming years due to the company’s alleged ties to Chinese cyberattacks. The Commerce, Defense, and Justice departments are currently investigating TP-Link and considering a potential ban on the sale of their routers. Despite TP-Link’s growing market share in the US, concerns about their connections to China have raised red flags among cybersecurity experts.

While TP-Link has denied any direct association with China, the US government views them as a Chinese entity. The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party has urged further scrutiny of the company due to perceived vulnerabilities and potential risks associated with Chinese law. However, TP-Link maintains that their products are secure and manufactured in countries like Vietnam.

Although TP-Link has had known security flaws, experts point out that vulnerabilities in embedded devices are not unique to one manufacturer or country. There is speculation that intelligence agencies may have uncovered issues with TP-Link routers that could warrant a ban, similar to the restrictions placed on Huawei in the past. Despite concerns, it remains unclear whether TP-Link poses a unique security threat compared to other router companies.

As the debate over TP-Link’s future in the US market continues, cybersecurity experts emphasize that the risks associated with routers are widespread and not exclusive to a single brand. The potential ban on TP-Link routers reflects broader concerns about cybersecurity and national security in relation to Chinese products in the telecommunications industry.

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