Remaja, media sosial, dan budaya perbandingan: ‘Social Studies’ FX mengatasinya semua

Day in and day out, the teens of Social Studies found themselves with nothing to do but endlessly scroll through social media platforms like Insta, TikTok, and YouTube. This was their new reality as they tried to return to normalcy post-COVID, as captured by esteemed photographer and documentarian Lauren Greenfield in the FX docuseries chronicling their lives. Greenfield followed a diverse group of Los Angeles-area kids as they navigated the pressures of social media, exploring how they grappled with issues like overt sexuality and rampant materialism. Some teens posed suggestively for likes, others engaged in unhealthy digital relationships, and some succumbed to peer pressure and comparison culture. Through it all, cameras rolled and Greenfield probed her subjects with tough questions, receiving shockingly candid answers in return.

To participate in the series, Greenfield required her cast to not only share their lives but also their phones. Viewers watched as the teens scrolled, texted, and FaceTimed, realizing that this generation was experiencing a unique adolescence shaped by social media. Greenfield discussed her series with Mashable, reflecting on her experience spending a year and a half with the teens of the 2020s. She explained that the project stemmed from her earlier work on teenagers in Los Angeles and how she observed the influence of social media on their values. The COVID pandemic only amplified these influences, leading to increased social anxiety and a reliance on online communication.

Despite the challenges, Greenfield was impressed by the teens’ willingness to share their fears, insecurities, and intimate details on camera. She noted that their candor was a crucial aspect of the project, showcasing their desire to be heard and understood. Greenfield highlighted the importance of creating a safe space for these discussions and the power of documentary filmmaking in eliciting truthful narratives.

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In the end, the teens of Social Studies came to a simple realization — the importance of genuine human connection. While banning phones in schools may help reduce distractions, Greenfield emphasized the need for broader discussions about internet safety and media literacy. She shared that she had developed an educational curriculum with her brother on these topics, aimed at fostering meaningful conversations among students and parents alike.

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