Perusahaan otonom akan didukung oleh agen kecerdasan buatan

In 2025, an Accenture/ZDNet research study revealed that 77% of executives believe that AI’s true benefits can only be unlocked when built on a foundation of trust. The Accenture Technology Vision 2025 report explores the impact of AI-powered autonomy on the future, with 69% of executives acknowledging the urgency for reinvention due to AI adoption accelerating across all sectors.

Four key emerging trends in AI, autonomy, and trust were identified by Accenture, focusing on AI acting autonomously in enterprise technology, representing brands, utilizing robotic bodies, and collaborating on behalf of employees. These trends highlight the transformative effects of AI on technology development, customer experience, the physical world, and the workforce.

The concept of the “Binary Big Bang” was introduced by Accenture, emphasizing the exponential expansion of AI and its disruptive impact on systems. The shift towards AI cognitive digital brains is reshaping enterprise decision-making and learning processes, with a focus on knowledge, models, agents, and architecture.

Trust was identified as a crucial factor for achieving autonomy with AI, with an emphasis on bolstering cybersecurity, building trust in AI systems, and establishing people-driven trust. The Binary Big Bang represents a generational transition towards cognitive digital brains becoming essential components of enterprise DNA, leading to increased technology diffusion and innovation opportunities.

Agentic Systems, Digital Core, and Generative UI were highlighted as technologies defining the Binary Big Bang era, offering powerful ways to leverage AI for complex tasks, create unique reinvention ambitions, and generate personalized user interfaces. Companies are advised to prepare for the rapidly evolving technological landscape by embracing AI and building a strong digital core to stay competitive in the AI-first future.

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