Peringkat dan tempat menonton spesial Natal ‘Doctor Who’

\”Merry Christmas, Whovians! In celebration of the holiday season and the premiere of \”Joy to the World,\” we have re-evaluated all of the Doctor Who Christmas specials to determine which ones are the best to watch when you’re feeling festive. Since the show’s revival in 2005, the Christmas specials have brought joy, tears, and excitement to fans worldwide. But what sets some of these specials apart from the rest? Our analysis took into account the level of holiday spirit, the quality of the story, and the emotional impact of each episode. Whether heartwarming or heart-wrenching, the top specials made us feel alive in a way only the Doctor can! Here is our ranking of the Doctor Who Christmas specials, from worst to best.

15. \”The Christmas Invasion\” (2005) Season 1: Episode 14

The first Christmas special of the revived series introduced us to the Tenth Doctor and featured robo-Santas and an unhinged Christmas tree causing chaos. While it has its moments, the episode’s outdated humor and questionable plot choices make it a bit of a miss.

14. \”The End of Time: Part 1\” (2009) Season 4: Episode 17

This special marks the beginning of the end for the Tenth Doctor, but the convoluted story and lack of holiday spirit make it a less-than-satisfying watch.

13. \”The Return of Doctor Mysterio\” (2016) Season 9: Episode 14

Set in New York City, this special introduces a superhero called The Ghost and falls flat due to its inconsistent tone and lack of genuine Christmas cheer.

12. \”Last Christmas\” (2014) Season 8: Episode 13

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Featuring Santa Claus fighting brainwashing parasites, this special offers a mix of creepy and delightful moments, though the multiple twists towards the end may leave viewers feeling a bit exhausted.

11. \”The Time of the Doctor\” (2013) Season 7: Episode 16

Matt Smith’s final episode as the Eleventh Doctor is action-packed and emotional, but the heavy lore and complex plot may detract from the overall enjoyment of the episode.

10. \”The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe\” (2011) Season 6: Episode 14

Set during World War II, this special follows a mother’s journey to save her children with the help of the Eleventh Doctor. With a mix of sci-fi and fantasy elements, this episode is heartwarming and adventurous.

9. \”A Christmas Carol\” (2010) Season 5: Episode 14

Amy and Rory embark on a romantic holiday adventure on a resort spaceship in this special, which combines familiar elements with a unique twist. The episode is a delightful mix of humor and heartwarming moments.

Stay tuned for the rest of our ranking as we count down the top Doctor Who Christmas specials to get you in the holiday spirit!\”