Penjelasan akhir musim 4 ‘The Umbrella Academy’

Saying goodbye to the Hargreeves is never easy, but the fourth and final season of The Umbrella Academy marks the end of their journey. In a wild and short six-episode season, Netflix’s adaptation of Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá’s comic book series comes to a close. The Hargreeves siblings – Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Number Five, Ben, Viktor, and honorary member Lila – spend the season trying to save the world once again.

The season delves into some unresolved mysteries, such as Ben’s fate and the plans of Gene and Jean Thibedeau, leaders of The Keepers. The finale sees the Hargreeves facing off against The Cleanse, a virus threatening to destroy the world. Lila and Five confront their feelings for each other, while Viktor attempts to save Ben and Jennifer.

A surprising twist occurs when Five discovers a diner filled with alternate versions of himself, leading him to realize that the Hargreeves siblings are the cause of the timeline fractures. To save the world, they must sacrifice themselves by merging their powers with The Cleanse. The finale culminates in a touching moment as the Hargreeves say their final words to each other before ceasing to exist.

In the end, the park Viktor saw in his vision becomes a reality, with all the characters living happily without the Hargreeves. The sacrifice made by the siblings ensures the safety of their loved ones, even if it means erasing themselves from history.

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