Penelitian AI Apple menyarankan fitur-fitur akan datang untuk Siri, seniman, dan lainnya.

It might seem like Apple is behind in the AI game, especially since ChatGPT made waves in late 2022 and Apple’s competitors have been working hard to catch up. However, recent rumors and reports suggest that Apple has been quietly preparing to make its move in the AI space.

Apple has been in talks with OpenAI and Google about incorporating AI features into its products, as well as developing its own model called Ajax. Through their published AI research, we can start to see how Apple’s approach to AI is taking shape.

Apple is focused on creating smaller, more efficient models to enhance features like Siri. They are working on running all AI features on-device, offline, and have developed systems to make large language models run faster and more efficiently.

In terms of virtual assistants, Apple is striving to make Siri even better by improving its ability to understand and communicate with users. They are exploring ways to enhance back-and-forth communication and improve response generation.

Beyond virtual assistants, Apple is also looking at how AI can be applied in health, image editing, and creative tools. They are researching ways to utilize biometric data for health purposes, as well as developing tools for image editing and music remixing.

Overall, Apple’s AI research shows a focus on practical applications and enhancing user experiences across various products and services.

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