Pembuat Nocturne Bicara Tentang Warisan, Menjadi ‘Sadarkan Diri,’ dan Harapan untuk Masa Depan.

“In order to continue its success with critically acclaimed video game adaptations, Netflix kicked off 2025 by releasing the second season of Castlevania: Nocturne on January 16. Io9 had the opportunity to speak with directors Samuel and Adam Deats about the challenges of maintaining the series’ reputation as a groundbreaking video game adaptation, as well as their hopes for its future. The interview has been shortened for brevity.

Isaiah Colbert, io9: Castlevania has become a standout series in the world of video game adaptations, alongside hits like the Sonic franchise and Arcane. What do you think is the key to the series’ success, and what sets Nocturne season two apart as the best season yet?

Adam Deats: We’ve always been trying to top the iconic moment in season two, episode seven. The historical references and character development in this season, especially in the last two episodes, are some of the strongest moments we’ve created.

Samuel Deats: When it comes to the secret to a successful video game adaptation, it’s about staying true to the source material and telling a compelling story. Our focus has always been on storytelling and character development, which sets us apart from other adaptations.

Adam: It’s important to approach these projects with love and care for the source material. By putting in the effort and attention to detail, it naturally shines through in the final product.

Samuel: We started this journey with low expectations, considering the challenges of adapting video games into successful series. However, we’ve proven that good stories can be told through these adaptations, and it’s rewarding to see the positive response from fans.

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Adam: While it’s great to see more video game adaptations in the works, it’s crucial that creators approach these projects with passion and respect for the source material.

Io9: Castlevania: Nocturne has faced criticism for its portrayal of characters like Annette, with accusations of ‘blackwashing’ and ‘woke’ storytelling. How do you respond to these criticisms and the ongoing discourse surrounding representation in the entertainment industry?

Adam: We’re navigating a challenging landscape in terms of representation and backlash. It’s important to stay true to the story we’re telling and make decisions that feel authentic to the source material.

Samuel: As fans of the games, we understand the importance of staying true to the original characters while also exploring new avenues for storytelling. The decision to reimagine characters like Annette was made with respect for the source material and a desire to add depth to the narrative.

Adam: It’s essential to have room for diverse storytelling and representation in our projects, even if it means facing criticism from certain audiences. We stand by our decisions and believe they enhance the overall story of Castlevania: Nocturne.

Samuel: As purists of the series, we strive to stay true to the games while also pushing the boundaries of storytelling. We’re proud of the choices we’ve made and look forward to continuing to explore new possibilities in future seasons.”