Jawaban teka-teki silang Mini NYT untuk 21 April

As a seasoned journalist, I can attest that The Mini crossword puzzle from The New York Times offers a unique and fast-paced experience compared to its longer counterpart. With just a few clues to solve, it becomes a test of speed for many enthusiasts.

However, a challenging clue can easily throw off a player’s rhythm and lead to frustration. If you ever find yourself stuck on The Mini, much like with Wordle and Connections, fear not, as we have got you covered.

For those looking for a helping hand, here are the clues and answers for The Mini puzzle from The New York Times for Sunday, April 21, 2024:

1. Form of exercise that originated in ancient India
2. “Am not!” comeback
3. Music associated with this hand gesture: 🤘
4. BAM! or BOINK! or BZZT!
5. Places for body treatments

1. Sweet potato lookalikes (answer: Yams)
2. Cookies with a Space Dunk variety launched in 2024
3. “Out of bed! You’ll be late!”
4. Cat pose or downward dog, in 1-Across
5. Teen’s slangy term for their parents, with “the”

For more engaging topics like gaming and the Mini Crossword, stay tuned for further updates.

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