Apakah kita sudah cukup tahu tentang risiko kesehatan pabrik semiconductor baru?

The Biden administration has invested billions of dollars in constructing new computer chip factories in the US, but now faces criticism over potential health and safety risks. Advocates are calling for more thorough environmental reviews of these projects, citing a lack of transparency regarding the toxic substances workers may handle and vague plans to prevent hazardous waste from harming the environment.

A coalition of labor unions and environmental groups, including the Sierra Club, has raised concerns about the draft environmental assessments submitted to the Department of Commerce. They argue that the assessments are inadequate and fail to address key issues, such as safety measures for workers and nearby residents.

While the groups do not oppose the construction of these factories, they emphasize the need for greater transparency and community involvement in assessing and mitigating environmental risks. They point to past mistakes in semiconductor manufacturing that have left toxic sites in Silicon Valley, underscoring the importance of proactive environmental evaluation and community input.

The CHIPS Communities United coalition, comprised of various organizations and unions, is working to hold semiconductor manufacturers accountable for their impact on local communities. They are urging the Department of Commerce to conduct more robust environmental impact statements for the new factory projects, particularly focusing on monitoring and enforcing best management practices to mitigate environmental harm.

Concerns about hazardous substances used in chip manufacturing, including forever chemicals like PFAS, have also been raised by the coalition. They stress the need for clear protocols for handling and disposing of these substances to prevent pollution and protect workers’ health.

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Overall, the coalition is advocating for stronger environmental regulations and community agreements to ensure that semiconductor factories prioritize safety and sustainability. They are pushing for more transparency, worker empowerment, and accountability from manufacturers to address the environmental challenges associated with chip production.