Apakah Harapan Hidup Rata-rata Kita Akan Pernah Mencapai 100 Tahun?

Death is an inevitable part of life, but advancements in medicine, sanitation, and environmental protections have led to a steady increase in life expectancy since the 19th century. However, recent data suggests that this trend is slowing down. While life expectancy continues to rise in high-income countries like the U.S., the rate of increase has significantly decreased over the past thirty years. The chances of someone reaching 100 years old are still quite low, with only a small percentage of individuals born in 2019 expected to become centenarians.

Researchers believe that humanity is reaching the limits of our natural mortality and that our current methods of treating age-related diseases may not provide significant increases in longevity moving forward. Some experts remain optimistic about the future of aging, but others argue that the aging process is an immutable force that will ultimately limit gains in life expectancy. While there is potential for new medical and scientific advances to extend human lifespan, it is unlikely that the average person will reach 100 years old in this century. Ultimately, the question of whether there is a hard limit to human longevity and how we may surpass it remains a topic of ongoing research and debate.

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