Suara Baceprot: Para metalhead wanita Indonesia bersiap untuk Glastonbury | Berita Musik

Voice of Baceprot, an Indonesian female metal band from Medan, is feeling anxious about their upcoming performance at Glastonbury in England. Their concerns are not about the large audience at one of the world’s biggest music festivals, but rather about the rainy weather and unfamiliar food. The trio, consisting of vocalist and guitarist Firda “Marsya” Kurnia, drummer Euis “Siti” Aisyah, and bassist Widi Rahmawati, have never been to the UK before and have been watching YouTube videos to prepare for the festival.

Despite their worries, the band is excited to be the first Indonesian group to perform at Glastonbury. Their journey began in 2014 in Garut Regency, West Java, when they formed a band after joining a theatre group at school. Initially terrible at acting, their teacher encouraged them to try music instead. They discovered metal music, started playing at local festivals, and gained a following on social media.

Their music resonates with Indonesia’s youth, addressing themes of female empowerment, environmental issues, and pacifism. Despite facing criticism from conservative circles and their own families, Voice of Baceprot continued to pursue their passion for music. They pray together before performances and prioritize their chemistry as a band.

Becoming independent musicians brought its own challenges, but the band remains resilient. Despite receiving threatening messages online and facing pushback in their conservative hometown, the trio remains focused on their music and their mission to inspire others through their music.

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