Perubahan Mendalam dalam Pemilihan Muslim dan Yahudi

The recent shift in voting patterns in Britain has revealed significant changes within specific demographic groups. Particularly, the relationship between the Labour Party and both Muslim and Jewish voters has come under scrutiny. While the party has made progress in gaining back trust among one faith group, it now faces the challenge of winning back members of the other.

The decline in the Labour vote share among British Muslims between 2019 and 2024 was evident in various constituencies, such as Leicester South, Dewsbury, Batley, Birmingham Perry Barr, and Blackburn. This shift has sparked discontent among Muslim voters, with some feeling embarrassed by their affiliation with Labour due to the party’s response to events in Gaza.

On the other hand, the Jewish voting data has shown a stark contrast. In 2019, a significant proportion of British Jews who voted for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership switched their support to other parties. However, recent research suggests that there has been a bounce-back for Labour among Jewish voters, with wins in constituencies with large Jewish populations.

The transformation in perception of the Labour Party among British Jews can be attributed to a more tempered criticism of Israel’s actions under the current leadership, as well as a change in the party’s approach to dealing with complaints around faith and other protected characteristics. The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from the party also played a significant role in rebuilding trust among some Jewish voters.

However, for some Muslim members like Mish Rahman, concerns remain about the party’s handling of racism and discrimination, particularly when it comes to issues like Islamophobia. The perceived hierarchy of racism within the party, as well as instances like the readmission of Trevor Phillips despite allegations of Islamophobia, have raised questions about the party’s commitment to addressing all forms of discrimination.

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Overall, the recent shifts in voting patterns among Muslim and Jewish voters highlight the complex dynamics of faith-based politics in Britain and the challenges faced by political parties in navigating these issues.