Mengapa tentara Ukraina menghadapi krisis desersi? | Berita Perang Rusia-Ukraina

More soldiers from Ukraine have deserted the army this year than ever before since the start of the ongoing war, where both sides have seen gains and losses. It is estimated that prosecutions for desertion from the Ukrainian army have reached at least 30,000 so far this year, a significant increase from previous years. Those found guilty can face between five to 12 years in prison. However, some defectors believe that prison is a better option than facing the never-ending hardships on the battlefield.

Desertion has become so widespread that Ukraine’s parliament took the unprecedented step of decriminalizing first-time attempts to flee the army in August 2024. Analysts are pointing out the reasons why more men are leaving the army and why this is not just a problem for Ukraine.

The number of soldiers deserting the Ukrainian army varies depending on the source. Some estimates suggest that around 60,000 individuals have been charged with fleeing their posts since the war began. This is a significant increase from previous years. The main reason for desertion is low morale caused by exhaustion, with soldiers having to endure long periods under heavy fire without relief.

The army is facing a shortage of soldiers on the battlefield, with Ukrainian troops outnumbered by Russian forces. Despite efforts to forcefully mobilize fighters, the lack of manpower remains a major issue. Additionally, soldiers have reported inadequate weaponry and ammunition, hindering their ability to effectively fight back.

Ukrainian officials have blamed Western allies for being slow to provide military aid, with President Zelenskyy urging for more support. The upcoming US election is causing further uncertainty, with the possibility of funding cuts if former President Trump returns to office.

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Conscription laws in Ukraine have also been criticized for their rigidity, with no legal ways for conscripts to leave the military unless under specific circumstances. The renewal of the mobilization law in 2024 has expanded the age range of eligible men, with stricter punishments for draft dodging. These factors contribute to the increasing number of desertions from the Ukrainian army.

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