Kepala Mata-mata AS Mengambil Peran Sebagai Negosiator dalam Perang Gaza

During his initial three years leading the C.I.A., William J. Burns was dedicated to significantly increasing the agency’s focus on understanding China, and countering Russia’s partnerships with Iran and North Korea. However, in the final 16 months of his tenure, he returned to his expertise in diplomacy. With a reputation for creating effective back channels, he was called upon by President Biden to navigate the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict, blending his intelligence role with his experience in Middle East negotiations.

Mr. Burns, known for his unique career spanning both diplomatic and intelligence roles, played a crucial part in the negotiations to achieve a cease-fire and the release of hostages in Gaza. His ability to operate discreetly and build relationships with key players in the region proved invaluable in reaching a resolution. Despite initial skepticism from some within the C.I.A., Mr. Burns ultimately earned the respect and loyalty of the agency’s employees.

His experience as a negotiator in various tense situations, from Israeli-Palestinian conflicts to the Iran nuclear agreement, prepared him for the urgency of the Israel-Hamas negotiations. Through his collaborative efforts with key stakeholders, including Israeli and Hamas leaders, Mr. Burns played a pivotal role in reaching a deal that addressed the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and prevented further escalation of the conflict.

Mr. Burns’s success in navigating complex negotiations and building relationships with intelligence partners highlights his strategic leadership and diplomatic skills. As he concludes his tenure at the C.I.A., his legacy includes a track record of effective communication, discreet diplomacy, and successful conflict resolution in some of the most challenging geopolitical situations.

MEMBACA  Israel menyerang sekolah tempat menampung warga Palestina yang mengungsi di Gaza | Berita konflik Israel-Palestina