Kehidupan berbahaya seorang penyelundup

Mohamed Gabobe, a tired alcohol smuggler named Guled Diriye, has just returned from a risky trip transporting contraband from the Ethiopian border. The 29-year-old sits exhausted in a colonial-style villa in Mogadishu, a city once known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. His sandals are covered in orange dust from the desert, and his dark eyes show signs of sleepless nights and tension from navigating dangerous roads and checkpoints.

Smuggling alcohol in Somalia, where it is illegal due to Sharia law, has become a means of survival for Mr. Diriye in a tough economic climate. Introduced to the trade by a childhood friend, he now makes regular trips from the Ethiopian border to Mogadishu, dodging authorities and armed groups along the way.

The journey begins in Somali border towns like Abudwak and Galdogob, where alcohol is picked up and smuggled across the border from Ethiopia. Despite the risks of being caught and violence from armed groups, Mr. Diriye continues his dangerous work to support his family.

Other smugglers like Dahir Barre also face dangers and challenges in the trade, driven by poverty and lack of opportunities in Somalia. Despite the risks, they continue to transport alcohol from Ethiopia to meet the growing demand in Mogadishu.

The harsh reality of smuggling alcohol in Somalia is highlighted by the tragic story of a fellow smuggler who was killed during an attack, leaving behind a family and haunting memories for Mr. Diriye. Despite the guilt and dangers, he and others like him persist in their illicit trade to survive in a country plagued by conflict and poverty.

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