Hubungan universitas AS dengan kontraktor senjata di bawah pengawasan saat perang di Gaza | Berita Perang Israel di Gaza

Los Angeles, California – In the midst of the ongoing war in Gaza, which has now lasted eight months, Israel’s military campaign has resulted in the tragic deaths of nearly 35,000 Palestinians, with a majority being women and children. The devastating death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza have sparked criticism from progressive and pro-Palestinian activists in the United States towards their country’s support of Israel. The US has been a steadfast ally of Israel, providing approximately $3.8 billion in military aid each year. This support, along with additional funding to bolster the war effort, has been heavily condemned.

On college campuses across the US, students are particularly vocal in their opposition to their universities’ connections with weapons manufacturers and companies linked to Israel’s military. Sinqi Chapman, a freshman at Pomona College in California, was part of a group of student protesters who were arrested for setting up a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. Their goal was to pressure the college to sever ties with Israel and any supporting companies involved in the conflict.

The longstanding relationship between higher education institutions in the US and the defence and aerospace industries has raised concerns for many years. Former President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned of the dangers of the “military-industrial complex” infiltrating academic research back in 1961. This relationship was further solidified during the Cold War era, leading to significant funding from the Pentagon flowing into universities, particularly in California, a state known for its defence and aerospace sectors.

Student activism against these ties has a rich history, with students protesting against various conflicts and injustices over the years. Many have targeted their schools’ financial endowment funds, which often invest in industries like defence, as a focal point for their activism. Collaborations between universities and defence companies, especially in STEM departments, have come under scrutiny for the influence they wield over research projects, recruitment, and donations to schools.

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Calls for divestment from weapons manufacturers and government defence operations have been growing across campuses nationwide. Graduate students, like Isabel Kain at the University of California at Santa Cruz, are organising against these ties, advocating for disruption of military funding and research. The increased unionisation of graduate students has provided them with more leverage to push for change, as seen in the upcoming strike vote by UAW 4811 representing graduate student workers in California.

The tensions between students and campus military ties are not limited to the current conflict in Gaza but are part of a larger effort by the military and related industries to influence academic and political institutions. The influence of these companies on universities and young professionals entering various fields is a concern that activists are determined to address.