Di Selatan AS, para pendukung Palestina menghadapi penindasan di kampus dan di jalanan | Berita Perang Israel di Gaza

New Orleans, Louisiana, US – Student protests against the Israeli war on Gaza have caused a stir in the United States, resulting in a police crackdown on many campuses and more than 2,000 arrests. Student protesters at universities nationwide are demanding that their institutions divest from companies involved in Israeli abuses against Palestinians. While attention has been on prestigious Ivy League schools like Columbia University in New York, students in the US South are also organizing for Palestine. In New Orleans, protests have erupted on university grounds and in the city streets. On April 28, protesters set up tents in Jackson Square, urging the city to divest from Israel. This marked the first time the movement had expanded beyond campuses in New Orleans. The protesters aim to amplify their message, especially as Israel escalates its attacks on Gaza. Despite facing a hostile environment, protesters remain resilient in their fight for justice. In the city’s French Quarter, protesters demanded divestment from Israeli institutions, with police eventually dispersing the crowd and arresting several individuals, some of whom sustained injuries at the hands of law enforcement. In response to the crackdown, students at Tulane University set up an encampment, only to be met with aggressive police action that resulted in more arrests and injuries. The police response to the Tulane encampment was highly organized, with over 100 state troopers in riot gear dismantling the protest. Despite the challenges, protesters remain determined to advocate for Palestinian rights.

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