Bagaimana Harta Wakaf Muslim senilai $14 miliar India sedang dirampok, bahkan oleh pemerintah | Berita Agama

“In January this year in Ujjain, a city in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, authorities demolished nearly 250 properties, including homes, shops, and a century-old mosque, to clear a 2.1-hectare (5.27-acre) piece of land owned by the Madhya Pradesh Waqf Board. The land was cleared for a government project surrounding the city’s famous Mahakaleshwar Temple, despite the fact that waqf properties are meant to be irrevocable donations for religious or charitable purposes. India, with over 200 million Muslims, has the largest number of waqf assets in the world, managed by boards in each state and federally-run territory. The government is proposing amendments to the Waqf Act, which critics fear could give unprecedented control over waqf properties and further marginalize the minority Muslim community. The demolition of the Takiya Mosque in January 2025 has sparked controversy and legal challenges, with allegations of government overreach and mismanagement of waqf properties.” Sanjay Singh, a parliamentarian from the opposition Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and a member of the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) formed to discuss opposition objections to proposed amendments, expressed concern about the impact of the changes, stating, “History will not forgive us.” Supreme Court lawyer Anas Tanwir highlighted the broader national concern of political interference and degradation of waqf lands in the Ujjain case. He criticized the proposed Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024 for potentially worsening existing problems. However, Madhya Pradesh Waqf Board Chairman Patel defended the amendments, claiming they aim to address current issues and rectify anomalies.

The planned amendments have raised fears about increased government control over waqf properties, but many Muslim community leaders and lawyers argue that these lands have long been subject to encroachment under the current law. Experts point to a history of deliberate dispossession, mismanagement, and corruption in the handling of waqf properties by the government. They allege a systematic diversion of waqf properties, illegal occupation, and conversion of waqf land to private ownership. Despite efforts by the Madhya Pradesh Waqf Board to survey and digitize its properties, outdated land records and lack of updates have led to discrepancies, with many waqf assets not properly identified in revenue records.

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The mismanagement and corruption surrounding waqf lands are not unique to Ujjain, but are part of a larger pattern seen across Madhya Pradesh and India. Muslims have accused the government and its officials of overseeing the systematic loot of waqf properties, despite warnings to address the issue. Encroachment of waqf properties by the government and influential private individuals has led to the disappearance of graveyards and construction on prime waqf land. Caretakers appointed by the waqf board have also been implicated in fraudulent activities, such as forging documents and selling waqf properties for personal gain. Polisi menemukan kop surat palsu dan stempel resmi dewan waqf di rumahnya.

Para ahli mengatakan tahun-tahun invasi pemerintah dan swasta, korupsi, dan pengelolaan yang buruk telah membuat properti waqf rentan. Dengan amendemen baru, mereka mengatakan, pemerintah ingin mengambil alih secara legal.

“Dengan populasi yang semakin meningkat, nilai tanah melonjak. Karena dewan waqf memiliki properti besar di lokasi primer di seluruh India, pemerintah, dengan menggunakan amendemen terbaru, ingin mengendalikan tanah-tanah ini sekaligus,” kata pengacara Pracha kepada Al Jazeera.

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