Skandinavia sedang ‘berada dalam momen’ saat para wisatawan Eropa mencari ‘coolcations’ untuk mengatasi panas

are experiencing more significant warming. However, compared to the scorching temperatures in southern Europe, Scandinavia still offers a more comfortable and less extreme climate for travelers looking to escape the heat.

In the face of climate change, it seems that more and more tourists are seeking out cooler destinations for their summer vacations. The rise of “coolcationing” in Scandinavia is not only benefiting the region’s tourism industry but also providing a safe and enjoyable alternative for travelers looking to explore the great outdoors without being overwhelmed by extreme heat.

As the impacts of climate change continue to be felt around the world, it is clear that the way we travel and choose our destinations will also need to change. The shift towards cooler and more temperate regions like Scandinavia may just be the beginning of a larger trend in the tourism industry, as travelers prioritize their comfort and safety in a warming world.

MEMBACA  Setahun setelah 7 Oktober, Jeremy Bowen mengatakan pembunuhan dan asumsi yang hancur telah membawa Timur Tengah ke tepi perang yang lebih dalam.