Setelah kematian Sinwar, Israel bertujuan untuk mengamankan keuntungan strategis sebelum pemilihan AS oleh Reuters

to destroy Hamas tunnel networks. Israel wants to prevent any future attacks from Gaza and create a buffer zone to protect its border communities.

Overall, Israel’s military campaign is not just about defeating Hamas and Hezbollah in the short term. It is about reshaping the regional landscape in Israel’s favor, ensuring its security, and creating irreversible realities on the ground before potential changes in U.S. leadership. Israel’s actions are driven by a desire to protect its citizens and prevent future threats from its enemies, including Iran.

The current situation in the region is complex, with multiple parties involved and various interests at play. Diplomatic efforts, international pressure, and negotiations will likely be needed to reach a lasting ceasefire and address the underlying issues that have led to the current conflict.

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