Pensiun di Amerika adalah bencana bagi banyak orang. Adakah harapan?

This text discusses the current state of retirement in America, highlighting the struggles that many retirees face in making ends meet. The article touches on the decline of traditional pension plans, the lack of adequate savings, and the rising costs of healthcare and basic living expenses for seniors.

Experts interviewed in the article emphasize the severity of the retirement crisis, with a significant portion of Americans at risk of running out of money during their retirement years. Data from various studies and research organizations underscore the financial challenges faced by older adults, including poverty rates, homelessness, and the inability to afford basic living needs.

Solutions proposed by experts include the need for a universal retirement savings system that would allow all Americans to save for the future, regardless of their employment situation. Some states have already taken steps to implement programs to help individuals without employer-provided retirement plans.

Overall, the article paints a grim picture of the current state of retirement in America and calls for action to address the systemic issues that contribute to financial insecurity among older adults.

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