Mikroplastik merugikan kesehatan kita. Berikut cara mengurangi risiko Anda

If we do not take immediate action to address the issue of microplastics and their impact on human health, we may face serious consequences. The evidence is mounting that these tiny particles are making their way into our bodies, causing inflammatory effects and potentially leading to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The widespread presence of microplastics in our environment, food, and water sources means that we are constantly exposed to these harmful particles. They have the ability to absorb toxic chemicals and accumulate in our tissues, triggering immune responses and chronic inflammation.

To reduce our exposure to microplastics, it is crucial that we take steps to limit the production and use of plastic products. This includes implementing stricter regulations on the plastic and fossil fuel industries, as well as promoting sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics.

Ultimately, the only way to truly address the issue of microplastics and protect human health is to phase out plastic production and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. It is time for us to take decisive action before the consequences of microplastic pollution become irreversible.

MEMBACA  Meningkatkan Kesehatan Pekerja, Pertamina Regional Jawa Cetak Rekor MURI